The Divine One

                                 DIVINE ONE PROJECT


Global Hunger Index 2021 categorizes India as a country with a hunger level that’s ‘serious’ with a ranking of 71 out of 113 countries. 14% of the Indian population was found to be undernourished and Tamilnadu has the least number of severely malnourished. Tamil Nadu gets 4,900 crores in food subsidies every year.This is one of the highest in the country and yet the state is finding hard to feed its children. The state is one of the few that provides eggs in its mid-day meal scheme for government school students. "However, there is a need to further improve the menu by including organic and locally grown seasonal vegetables and fruits through local community participation  ­– a percentage that’s bound to increase during the pandemic. We, at The Divine Foods, try to do our bit in fighting undernourishment through Divine One Project.

Through a partnership with local NGOs, we’ve been delivering nutritious, wholesome meals to the undernourished population in the state. For every unit of The Divine Products purchased, we donate 1% on the total value.